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Mothers Day
Mothers day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May all over the world. It is all about honoring mothers and motherhood. Share your feelings and greet your mother to make her feel proud.
Mothers hold their childrens hands
04/11/2014 10:06 am
Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.
mothers day graphics
mothers day greetings
A mother is a mother still
04/10/2014 12:38 pm
A mother is a mother still,
The holiest thing alive.
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
mothers day quotes
mothers day graphics
Happy Mothers Day
04/10/2014 12:35 pm
Happy Mothers Day
mothers day graphics
mothers day greetings
Great Mom
04/08/2014 1:49 pm
Happy Mothers Day to a great mom
mothers day graphics
mothers day greetings
Words are not enough
04/08/2014 1:48 pm
Words are not enough to say thank you
Happy Mother's Day
mothers day greetings
mothers day graphics
Happy Mothers Day
04/08/2014 1:47 pm
Happy Mothers Day
mothers day graphics
mothers day greetings
mothers day quotes
mothers day quotations
mothers day graphics
mothers day greetings